Friday, 20 November 2015

Constructing Shapes

My Reflection
We were learning how to construct shapes and what shapes they need to be.
Me and Jocelyn found it hard because their were shapes that we didn't know.
My next step is to try something  that I know

Monday, 16 November 2015

Nelson Mandela Biography

We chose this person because he inspired us to write about his childhood, how he became famous and what he did to help South Africa. It was hard to find facts about him. I think we did well.

Friday, 25 September 2015

Speech Marks Sheet

My Reflection
I was learning to use speech marks at the first letter and the end letter of a sentence.We all have to make our own stories in our own words. We all made to make sure that we had punctuation and speech marks at the end of sentences

Youthtown Picture

My Reflection
I was learning to use my hockey skills to learn how to play the real game of hockey.
I was a little bit scared because I never knew how play.
Now I know how to play hockey and try to play some games.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Shades of Kiwi

My Reflection
I was learning to mix primary colours and use black and white to tint and shade. I also learnt to make kiwiana templates and use these to make and abstract painting. I found it easy to trace over the lines and choose which colours to do. I found it tricky to trace over the shapes because I kept on moving it and doing darkest to lightest

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Did you Ever Poem

My Reflection
I found this a little bit hard because I had to think about some words and with some nouns and verbs.
My next step is to try to come up with words by myself.

Dividing a Cake

My Reflection
I found this a little bit hard because when we tried a number we had to say what fraction it was.
Next step is to try add up all the numbers first before going on to the numbers.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Robinson Crusoe vs Kensuke's Kingdon

My Reflection
I was learning to find differences of Robinson Crusoe and Kensuke's Kingdom

Friday, 31 July 2015

My Speech - Ghosts

My Reflection
I found my speech easy because I already some facts about ghosts but sometimes I had to find some on the internet. My next step is to is to try something else then ghosts

Wednesday, 17 June 2015


My Reflection
I found this a little bit hard because we had to try think about what the idiom meant .
Next time I will try

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Missing Poster

My Reflection
I was learning to use inference and literal skills. I found this a little bit hard because we had to think about what Michael liked , didn't liked and  what he was good at. My next step is to try something easier.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Extending Knowledge Kensuke's Kingdom

My Reflection
I think I found it a little bit hard because you have write about what you think about the word that you doing. Maybe next time I will try easier words.

Sailing Argument

My Reflection
I think it was an bit hard because you had to think what Michaels liked and didn't liked.
Maybe we can try doing it with another story.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Turbidity Picture

My Reflection
Here we were learning to see how clean the water is when it is in sand, compost and school soil. We know that compost was the hardest one to look into because it was to dark and I we kept losing the magnet because the colour of the water.

Descriptive Writing

Friday, 22 May 2015

Basic Facts Graph

Term 2 Reflection
 This term I have been getting better in my basic facts test. This is because I have been practising at home. I need to work on changing the unknown. My goal is to reach 100% and I have reached 99%.

Term 3 Reflection
This term I am better at my basic facts. This is because I have been practising at home in my homework book.My goal is to reach 100% by the end of this year.
Term 4 Reflection
This term I am getting I have been reaching 99 that's pretty good! I still need to practise a lot and try new things that I haven learn't before or tried.

Wellbeing Presentation

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Coded 100 Square Strategy

Bike Skills

My Reflection
I was learning to put my left hand out while my right hand was the handle bar.
I found it tricky to brake with my hand out at the same time.
Now I going to try to left hand on handle bar and my right hand out.

Friday, 20 February 2015

My Kenning's Poem

My Reflection
I am learning to write a Kennings Poem. I think it was a little hard because you had to try not write the same word each time.
My next step is to try write something easier for me.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Main Idea Kiwikids News

I was learning how to find the main ideas in a news article. I found it a little bit easy because there were lots of main ideas in the article. My next step is to try a different article.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Soccer Skills

My Reflection
I have really enjoyed the name of the games: "Cowboy and Cowgirls".
I didn't really like when people kept pushing each other.
I want to improve my dribbling 

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Year 6 Welcome Post

Welcome to my Year 6 blog. My name is Hailley and I am now in room 22. My Teacher is Mrs Walker. I enjoy art. This year I am looking forward to writing our postcards and learning to do maths. I hope you will enjoy reading my blog.